Vintage Dresses, Hula Hoops and the Local Cemetery

This week, frankly, has been a little bitch. However, amid the crumminess there are always little nuggets of sheer happiness and that’s something that a bad week cannot take away.

I’m celebrating the weekend by staying in with a head cold and mainlining Parks & Recreation, which is so much fun when there’s an apparent heat wave shimmying around outside.

But meh. My week in pictures.

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This Dress

There is nothing, but nothing better for the soul than a good dress. In my world the best ones are always floral, usually tiny ditsy print and the kind of thing I never ever envisaged being into as a glittery dog collar wearing twenty year old (true story).

I got this one through an Instagram sale, from a lovely woman called Sian Kisses (she blogs here).

Buying pre-loved items via Instagram is so very modern, isn’t it? Of course you can’t go doing it willy nilly but it’s the new ASOS Marketplace if you ask me. Plus, you can envisage what an item will look like on you since you have an idea what they person you are purchasing it from looks like size wise, if that makes sense? Good for a curvy girl like me, anyway.

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These Guys

God. I love them. They make every day fun and fabulous. If they ever leave me for greater careers (which they will), I will be very sad. I might just follow them around for the rest of my days.

This day we found a secret garden or so we thought, but it only contained gardening equipment. And no dead bodies either.



Being Active

I pumped my way vigorously through two Zumba sessions, masses of brisk walking and next to no hula hooping, but only because my front room is too small to twirl around in. I did plan to teach myself the basics through Youtube tutorials, but it’s just not possible.

My only option is to move outside. I’m going to con someone into giving me lessons for free when the weather stabilises. Fun and frisky!

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White Chocolate Mice, Gifts and Simpsons Lego

Sometimes the only thing that will cure a day is an entire bag of White Chocolate Mice. Mmmmmmmmm.

My super-cute husband bought me this gorgeous pin-up box, to keep all my secrets in. It currently contains, simply, a note that says “My dick”. Funny guy…

And Simpsons Lego, which speaks for itself. Lego is my favourite thing in the world almost, I’m a completely obsessed fully grown woman.

So, that my friends, was my week. I’m so cray!

Now I’m going to go back to bed.

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